Sunday, March 13, 2011


Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is right at their heels.

You wish to be happy, you do everything to be happy and you think that tomorrow it will be time for happiness. Is it a state of mind or just a lifestyle to be happy when chasing shadows of the future with a loneliness and disappointment at the end? Are you ready to pay for the goods you’ve never seen, spending years and years for the reality that exists only in your mind? Isn’t it easier to be here and now enjoying lifetime on the Earth?

Most of young people keep looking for the happiness all over the world and take trips overseas in search of something what they have at home. Something, that is waiting for them to become wise enough to forget their ambitions and to be able to accept it “as is” without an attempt to modify its essence. People often mix gifts with things received for granted, thereby missing their chance they are blessed with. They need time and huge life experience to distinguish real happiness between a number of fakes.

Once my friend told me prophetic words for me, and I still keep them in my mind: “Either you were into him, and he wasn't, or he was into you but you weren't at the time.” In most cases all of us  need time, because it’s much more difficult to keep the fire in the fireplace than to make it. And if someone did happen to find what he was looking for, he should cherish those feelings keeping vital energy whatever.

I wouldn’t write this note, but I would like to share my own experience of nearly missing my happiness. I didn’t notice that it was always at my heels, even when I was wearing flats…