Sunday, December 12, 2010


A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. Michelangelo 

Sometimes it looks like dead end is reached, and the way is lost. It may seem the circle is closed, and there is no way to unlock it. The solution is probably closer than you might think, and it is the biggest mistake to think you made a mistake when you entered the circle…

Life is like a large layer cake that takes you years to bake it; remove one of the layers and the taste is different. It is a huge pyramid that is built piece by piece, layer by layer, hour by hour, day by day, year by year… Have you ever watched kids building a toy pyramid? They choose the parts very carefully matching every piece to find the right one. It doesn’t mean they make mistakes, they just look for the part that fits perfect. This is what our life about. We need to find the parts that make it possible to put our own lifeline together. Building process is similar to building a house: it seems nothing is done when you work over the foundation, but when it is finished, the way to put up the walls is easy and fast. It takes a lot of efforts to lay the foundation, but at the same time, it gives you a chance to build your own beautiful and fabulous castle. When I speak about the castle, I mean not only the place to live, though it is important, I’m talking about that beautiful inner world and balance that all of us keep looking for the whole life long. Life starts with your state of mind, and if you are okay, outer world is fine as well. 

Life is about projecting the situations and creating the solutions by making mistakes. Probably these mistakes are the solutions that help to create a unique life story… a complete colorful pyramid of full value.